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Kingdom Assignment Ministries International

The vision of KAMI is that independent pastors, churches, and ministries shall be encouraged (inspired with spirit, courage, and confidence), edified (instructed or benefited) and endorsed (approved, supported, or sustained) so as to maximize in the Kingdom Assignment given to them by God Almighty.

  • Our Mission

    Mission of KAMI is to pour into independent pastors, churches, ministries and others that have a will to be mentored or will for son/daughter ship through Bishop David J. Singleton as the Lord leads. These are persons and ministries which believe that God has made a special connection between them and Bishop, under the organizational covering of Ark of Jesus Ministries, whereby one receives help through: wisdom, insights, information, Biblical counseling, spiritual covering, oversight and direction as the Lord gives. KAMI Ministries is an extension of Ark of Jesus Ministries ordained by God, whereby ministry covering is provided along with spiritual fathering. Currently, Bishop David J. Singleton, through the aid of the Holy Spirit, provides spiritual fathering and ministry covering to pastors and churches in the US and throughout the world.

  • What are the membership requirements?

    K.A.M.I. will exercise no ecclesiastical, governmental or administrative control over any of its member ministries. K.A.M.I. provides for those member ministries wise counsel and oversight upon request. All membership services and benefits are optional to accommodate the needs of the membership. Membership in K.A.M.I. is open to men and women who are Pastors who head a viable functional independent ministry. K.A.M.I. will not discriminate against any race, ethnic or denominational background. Since KAMI is not a denomination, its mission is to complement and enhance a ministry’s assignment.

    1. Application Fee $50.00 (non refundable)

    a. Vision Statement

    b. Brief History of Ministry

    2. Annual Membership Fee $100.00 (Application Fee Applies)

    3. Monthly Administrative Support (Amount Determined by Member is not meant to be a tithe.) The financial strength of K.A.M.I. will be the product of the commitment of its members. The finances will be used for administrative expenses and to fund group projects.

    4. Willingness to Serve on Appointed Committee

  • Qualifications for Son/Daughter or Protégé

    1. Spiritual Sonship is not necessarily a physical relationship, but a spiritual relationship.

    2. There must be a birthing within the heart or spirit of a spiritual Son or Daughter, which produces such a relationship in them. (i.e., Vision, Assignment, Revelation).

    3. From the heart a member must respect and honor the person you seek for fathering. A son/daughter should willingly submit and serve by means of responding when called upon and yielding ministry gifts.

    4. A son/daughter must be willing to receive correction in righteousness from Bishop DJ. Singleton.

    5. A son/daughter must be willing to support the ministry physically and financially.

    6. Each son/daughter must make public confession of sonship.

    7. Submit to an interview. Spouse must be present for interview. Attire is business. All travel, lodging and other expenses are the applicant’s responsibility.

    8. Revelation knowledge will be produced on the inside as a result of consistently listening to CDs , reading material that God has permitted Bishop Singleton to produce, and coming to meetings where he speaks.

    9. Members are EXPECTED to attend member events.

  • Qualifications for Mentorship

    1. A protégé values a mentor’s knowledge, wisdom and insight.

    2. The protégé is ill advised to attempt to force a physical or natural relationship with the mentor. Therefore, you must understand that your mentor is a mentor to more than just you. If a deeper relationship is essential for your spiritual growth and development, God will and can arrange that relationship.

    3. A protégé must be willing to live a life style consistent with the covenants of K.A.M.I.

    4. All K.A.M.I. members must be willing to be inducted into the organization according to the policies, procedures and guidelines of the organization.

    5. Members are EXPECTED to attend member events.

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